Christianity, Freedom, Healing, Life, Marriage, Prayer, Relationships

FEAR- False Expectations Appearing Real

At least I’ve heard it referenced that way. I hear you: But what if they aren’t false? Deal with it THEN I say! But NOT TODAY!!!

There’s so much going on. So many people are worried about so many things- AND for justifiable reasons. Covid-19 doesn’t result in death for everyone, but it does for some. And honestly, just one fatality was too many. There are loved ones left behind who not only grieve, but grapple with the fact that their loved one died alone, weren’t able to be memorialized sufficiently. This pandemic has taken a toll on the hearts of many. It’s difficult not knowing how the virus will affect any one person. People wonder if they’ll be the asymptomatic one or the one in a coma and on a ventilator. The concerns are real. Then there’s the financial piece. Some people are really being adversely affected as a result of lockdowns slowing business. It’s been a tough year for most of us in that regard.

I get it. We want to slow the curve, but at the same time, how do people live if their businesses are closed? It’s a valid question. Unemployment benefits and/or stimulus checks (for those who qualify) don’t put a dent in what some of us need to live comfortably or pay the bills we’re accustomed to paying.

Having said all of that, I’ve learned some very important stuff, but I want to focus on one today and that is how dangerous fear is. Fear – the perpetual worrying kind, can become the doorway to the exact results you DON’T want. It accomplishes absolutely nothing. It robs us of peace, hope, tranquility and confidence in the fact that things just may NOT turn out as badly as they could. Fear has the power to attract the wrong stuff in your life. You feel it and it sends a signal to the manifestation of that thing. Crazy right?

Look at it this way. If the worse happens, you get to grieve that…appropriately. So just chill. Grief hurts so badly there’s no point in experiencing it twice. Experience it when necessary, but give it no more than that. If the worse never comes to pass, there was no need to experience that ache even once!!!

I’m sure you’ve heard fear neutralizes faith. Let’s just give faith a shot and see what the end will be.

Oh! And read Psalm 46:10a and Isaiah 41:10. Then lie back and imagine the best outcomes with every bit of your imagination you can harness!

Let me know how it goes!