Christianity, Healing, Prayer

Godly Character Needs Giftwrap…

I had an insightful weekend. Sunday night I ended up in the gospel according to Matthew. I was actually DRIVEN there by my desire to please God in the midst of a frustrating circumstance. When lines get blurry, I have to go to scripture to have my lenses adjusted. 

We are admonished by Jesus to bless those who curse us….to LOVE our enemies….to pray for those who despitefully use us. 

There are times when NOTHING or NO ONE can comfort and settle me, except Jesus Himself. 

When we truly desire to yield to the Word of God, we are extended a grace and strength to do just that. 

I’m grateful.

What I realized is that, while I am required to love those who are kind to me AND those who are foul to me, I cannot take credit, nor can anyone else. This “love thing” is totally Him. Even when we don’t deserve it, He desires that we have….love from others. Even when they don’t deserve it, He requires that we…love others. 

I then realized that there are some people in my life who I not only love, but are so driven by His agenda and undone by His love, that they demonstrate trustworthiness …. The God in them. And that says a LOT about them. I’m not required to trust them. That makes me wealthy among ruins.  

To those who are trustworthy, thank you for being a breath of fresh air! 

Sometimes the best bonding is time spent in a joint effort to be the best reflection possible of the One who is COMPLETELY worthy of our trust and confidence and who loves absolutely perfectly!!!