Another confession: In my twenties I spent most of my income on clothes and shoes. I could EASILY not repeat an outfit at church during a year’s time or not wear something for years and come back to it. One time I gave away 30 pairs of black heels and had plenty pairs of black heels left over….(notice I didn’t even mention the other colors, that was just BLACK). I felt crummy about myself on the inside, but I made SURE I looked great on the outside!
There is NOTHING wrong with liking clothes, shoes and the like…but when you have no money to eat, are constantly dealing with overdrafts and can’t even take a vacation because one fire could destroy your entire “portfolio”, something is off.
And priorities…. When you won’t go do something that is majorly important (like church for instance) unless you look a certain way, something is off…. You just may be protecting an “image” like I was.
When you’re fiscally responsible, you spend money (after giving) first, on what makes more money. Once your businesses, savings accounts, and investments and such are in a good place, you spend the money you have left over, to play with, instead of playing with the money you’re supposed to be living on. And I personally believe we SHOULD play hard, vacation and enjoy this Earth!!! Yet and still, good stewardship means keeping things in context.
How much do we give just to give-expecting nothing in return? Bill Gates & Oprah have a lot- but they GIVE a lot too! The law of seedtime and harvest
applies to ALL! Believers shouldn’t be the last to catch on!!!
I still like nice things. I may not “look” the way I used to, but when I do, there will be something behind it and God will be pleased with my stewardship. I almost want to quote E-40, but I won’t.
#thebreaking #grownupstuff #kelsimarie