
My Faith is on Trial……

During the past few weeks my sleep pattern has been irregular. I notice this happens when I feel various burdens, am keeping watch and interceding for others. Quite a few of my very close friends are weathering storms, enduring trials and fighting to believe that God is the same Father and Author of their previous seasons of rejoicing.  Each of …

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Clarity is Divine is a true story of survival and the resurrection of hope after a damaged emotional past collides with an indecent proposal. At the paradoxical intersection of revelation and confusion, a commitment is renewed and the truth unveiled, as Kelsi accepts responsibility for her part in creating a relationship that would come to a screeching halt during a telephone …

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Shifting Your WAIT…

If you’ve worn high heels, you’ve done it. You know how it is once your shoes have hit the expiration hour. After standing in the bliss of praise and worship your soul awakens to the reality that your soles hurt and that what could have been a full day in those beautiful shoes is cut down to another hour or …

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Miracle Mother……

I can’t remember ever being “normal”. And to be honest,those who REMAIN my friends and close associates have learned to accept and appreciate that about me. Others have “bounced”. One thing I am NOT, is more of the same. Ever since I was young, when I’ve tried to “be like” others and “do like” others, I was the one who …

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IS She Jealous of Me???

Isn’t that always the first thing that women say to themselves or in conversation? You fall out with the little girl on the playground, the other popular girl in high school, the young lady whose path you cross sometimes on the university campus, the lady at the office that is always staring at you- even your friend when the two …

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PAINFULLY CLEAR   Nothing hurts like a broken heart. Whether it stems from death, divorce, a break-up, or a severed friendship, the ACHE is consistent in all relationships. Betrayal is painful. Whether the onset of a terminal illness leaves you feeling betrayed by your own body, the infidelity of a lover leaves you feeling stripped of security, or a friend …

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more, More, MORE!!!!!!

I Want More!!! I want more and I’m not the only one. All of us want more of SOMETHING. Some want more money, others more peace, some a larger house, others, more children. You have those who want more success, and others who want to come home to more than the sound of their own voice. There are those who …

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Waiting….., AGAIN?!?!?!?!

Waiting, AGAIN?!?!?!   Sometimes you just have to make a decision. There are times when you will wake up morning after morning and find the “situation” hasn’t changed. You’ve prayed, you’ve cried out, and believed every which way you know how, only to find that a NOT YET has slapped you and left your face stinging. And right at that …

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Clarity is Divine, Part Deux….

“Part Deux”   Don’t be angry about what happened to me in the Caldecott Tunnel. Be angry that I wasn’t DONE. Be angry that when he came back I took him. Be angry that I can’t honestly tell you how many more times in the course of that relationship that I endured the “Caldecott Experience”. Be angry about the fact …

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Clarity is Divine…

Clarity is Divine…….. As I drove through the Caldecott Tunnel in Berkeley, CA the words were simple. They were very clear in fact. The voice on the other end of the phone said, “I don’t love you anymore.” Have you ever experienced a moment that seemed to separate your life into “Before and After”? That was my moment. At the …

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