Christianity, Prayer

Seasons Change…

Seasons change. I have loved people that I’ve had to release, whether because of death, marriage, miles or just the expiration of a season. As life shifts, sometimes configurations change. You’ve heard it before, you have some relationships for a reason, some for a season and some for a lifetime. Not all endings are bad and bitter. That said, I …

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Shifting Your WAIT…

If you’ve worn high heels, you’ve done it. You know how it is once your shoes have hit the expiration hour. After standing in the bliss of praise and worship your soul awakens to the reality that your soles hurt and that what could have been a full day in those beautiful shoes is cut down to another hour or …

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Waiting….., AGAIN?!?!?!?!

Waiting, AGAIN?!?!?!   Sometimes you just have to make a decision. There are times when you will wake up morning after morning and find the “situation” hasn’t changed. You’ve prayed, you’ve cried out, and believed every which way you know how, only to find that a NOT YET has slapped you and left your face stinging. And right at that …

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