“He slapped me! I know I’ve put up with a lot of things, but THAT I cannot deal with. I can’t be with anyone I’m afraid of!” “Wait, what? What do you mean he slapped you?” “Just that! I walked up to him when he was up in arms about something with one of the counselors. When I …
I’m guilty. I don’t just mean in the past, but lately. I’ve been guilty of frustration. Guilty of impatience. We do know that patience isn’t waiting right? We’re going to wait regardless when it comes to what only God can release. Patience is actually waiting with the right attitude. We can murmur, complain and pout while we wait, or we …
A couple of weeks ago I realized the blessing in a “pivot”. Sometimes a shift is realized in a transition without movement. In basketball, when your dribble stops and opponents surround you, a pivot will help you not to lose possession. A pivot will help you locate your teammates. Well, in life, just like you can move to a new location …
Sow Intentionally…
Everything we speak and do is a seed we are sowing. When we bless others, it’s a seed. When we hurt others, it’s a seed. Sin is a seed. Obedience is a seed. Sharing is a seed. Hoarding is a seed. Giving is a seed. Taking is a seed. Speaking life into others is a seed. Cursing others is a seed. …
Seasons Change…
Seasons change. I have loved people that I’ve had to release, whether because of death, marriage, miles or just the expiration of a season. As life shifts, sometimes configurations change. You’ve heard it before, you have some relationships for a reason, some for a season and some for a lifetime. Not all endings are bad and bitter. That said, I …
Missed Opportunities…
I remember one day at church many years ago, the Holy Spirit told me to go ask an older gentleman…a seasoned elder in our church to lay hands and pray for me. I came up with every excuse imaginable. I was embarrassed to ask. I was afraid of how I would sound. What do I say? Then I said, “Okay, …
A Sowing Assignment…
I remember someone who broke my heart told me later that he was engaged. He said after seeing the pain on my face when he hurt me, he committed to never hurt a woman like that again. For a long time, I wondered why I had to be the “sacrifice”. With time, I realized he wasn’t for me. And if …
Jesus IS the middle….
The truth for a Christian, whether you’re ready or not, whether you like it or not, is that Jesus IS the ministry of reconciliation. He is SUPPOSED to be the CENTER of EVERY relationship you have, whether it’s marital, friendship, parental, sibling or otherwise. He will allow EVERY relationship you have to suffer and fall apart, just so that He …
Friendly Fire…
Someone asked me recently if I had a “standard” as it relates to whether or not a person can be my friend. I’d never been asked such a question, but it was a great question. Associates are many, friendships are few (although I use the word too loosely). My response was, “Absolutely! The person just has to be safe. I …
Accountability is Freedom…
God taught me a lesson a LOOOOOONG time ago that I’ve never forgotten. I, Kelsi, I (emphasis on me) injured a sister at my church and in her pain, she basically yelled it from the mountaintops. Some of what she told people was the truth and some of what she told people were lies. C’mon she isn’t the only one …