
Heart Strings…

This is a picture of heart strings. Can you see how fragile they are? These heart strings can break after a deep emotional trauma, causing the heart to lose form and no longer pump blood effectively. Yes, one can literally die from a broken heart. I am posting this because I really want people to consider the impact they have on others AND the necessity of emotional restoration. Do you know anyone that died too soon? Do you know anyone with a “bad heart”? Do you know anyone (including yourself) that gives the APPEARANCE of soaring in the spirit, but privately, are really just one disappointment away from a breakdown?
So, you want to know why I do what I do- why my messages are so often about emotional healing? One cannot live the abundant life Christ died for them to live without taking the mask off and having their heart RESTORED. You laugh ON TOP OF THE PAIN- preach ON TOP OF THE PAIN- get into another relationship ON TOP OF THE PAIN- act bitterly ON TOP OF THE PAIN, act like nothing is wrong ON TOP OF THE PAIN, joke around ON TOP OF THE PAIN, but the pain is real. And you are LYING. Dis-ease eventually manifests in disease. Arthritis, asthma, cancer, congestive heart failure, diabetes…..(need I go on) are all rooted in a TRAUMA that becomes the DOOR the enemy used to access the temple. There are some you will NEVER fool, simply because the God on the inside of us can SEE the pain- and furthermore, SEE that you haven’t yielded to the healing PROCESS. For the love of God…get healed!!! 

If you want help or know someone who does, have them contact me. I will help. Prayer, exposure, root work….you WILL have to deal with it. THIS IS NOT A GAME- THIS IS YOUR LIFE!!!

Emotional Healing Coach
